Archives of Martina and Valeriano 

Eulogies, Tributes, etc.

Please find these under the individual family members located in

Profiles and Remembrances

under The Fraga Family Story tab

Picnics, Piñata parties, Halloween parties, Golf Outings and more

One of the ways our family has been able  to forge the amazing strong bonds we have is through the many get togethers.  These ranged from impromptu gatherings most weekends at “the Farm”, family visits, building/working on each others’ houses, baptisms, graduations, weddings, anniversaries, funerals, first communions and of course, Christmas to planned celebrations that took many forms over the years.  This archive is intended to remember the long and evolving history of these annual celebrations.

Click on Cathy’s Family Files links below to see some of the flyers, documents and “behind the scenes” organization that reflect the time and effort of so many over the years to organize and plan the interesting other events like the family golf outings, the Halloween parties, the Lip Syncs and others that became annual fixtures for the family.