With many thanks to our cousins Laura Eugenia Solís Chávez and José Mendoza Lara, Martina and Valeriano’s story (as told by their youngest son, Daniel E Fraga) is now a published book!  Adding to the story itself is the fact that each book is handbound by the men and women at Red Utopia/jitanjáfora in Morelia, Michoacán.

Michoacán to Michigan: An Immigrant’s Journey

by Daniel E Fraga

Please click on the links below to view

Daniel E Fraga’s (Uncle Dan) Narrative 

Michoacán to Michigan “An Immigrant’s Journey”

(in its original PDF form)

This website is made possible with the help of generous financial support from Cadaret Architecture LLC…Frank Fraga & Danielle Cadaret & Melinda Fraga